Goalie, a smart patrol robot
Goalie enhances security and comfort in our daily living spaces. From the apartment we call home, to the campus where our children study, and the office where we spend most of our day, Goalie complements patrol duties to ensure safety and tranquility.
Transforming daily lives with Goalie!
Preventing complaints
by addressing patrol
blind spots.In challenging locations like outdoor spaces, remote areas, and playgrounds, addressing recurring issues such as smoking and unauthorized entry can be achieved by increasing regular patrols in low-patrol areas, also known as blind spots. This proactive approach helps enhance overall security.
Enhanced business
competitiveness and
increased work satisfactionBy collaborating with Goalie, security guards can streamline their routine patrols, both day and night, enabling them to focus on higher-value tasks such as infrastructure management, face-to-face citizen interactions, and more.
A secure and
welcoming home to
take pride in.Goalie aims to craft living spaces that are free from discomfort and anxiety, providing a safe haven that everyone would proudly call their own. By collaborating with individuals, Goalie diligently works towards the creation of comfortable and secure environments.
How Goalie Works
제품 특징
Regular patrols targeting areas with frequent complaints
Enable focused patrolling and collaborative operations by pre-setting specific locations and times for frequent complaint areas, repetitive area patrolling, and scheduled patrolling.
a Complaint-Free Environment through Collaborative Efforts
In the control room, security guards can broadcast real-time guidance messages through speakers if they notice abnormal behavior. To address repetitive complaints in specific areas, collaborative activities with security guards, like replaying recorded messages, can proactively prevent complaints. Also, video footage captured along patrol routes is recorded and can be used for post-response and notifying complaint occurrences.
Effortless robot operation accessible to all
Even security guards unfamiliar with digital environments can easily start and manage robots using a user-friendly system. This system is designed to be simple and intuitive, minimizing manual operations and preventing extra tasks during robot operation. With features like course pre-scheduling and automatic charging, it aims to provide convenience and ease of use.
Executing supplementary tasks according to the operational surroundings.
In addition to patrolling, this versatile system can perform tasks like fire and gas detection, as well as unauthorized parking surveillance. The design includes separate units for driving and task execution, allowing integration of infrared cameras, additional sensors, and more. This enables a wide range of applications and enhances functionality.
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