
Create a sustainable future
with nature-focused green management.

Green Management

Present a safe and fresh life to future generations.

Environmental Management System

Declared 2045 carbon neutrality initiative to reduce GHG emissions, and improved domestic and overseas environmental management organizations and processes.

  • Vision

    Establish a Green Factory

  • Mid-to-long term goals

    Achieve Carbon Neutrality and Reduce Environmental Pollutants by 2045

  • Strategy

    Establish a sustainable ‘Green Factory’ to realize our greatest value of bringing a safer and more pleasant life for future generations by achieving carbon neutrality and reducing environmental pollutants by 2045

  • Action Plan

    • Establishment of a green management system
      • Green certification
      • Compliance to international standards
      • Sustainability reports
      • System verifications
      • Development of green products
    • Reduction of environmental pollutants
      • Reduction of environmental pollutants
      • Reduction of GHG emissions
      • Increased recycling of waste
      • Energy conservation
    • Forge green partnerships
      • Supporting suppliers
      • Preserving the local environment
      • Supporting organizational cooperation

Environmental Management Organization

Established a company-wide Environment Council for the effective environmental management, and regular meetings are held to resolve environment-related issues in a prompt manner.

Environmental Management Structure of HL Mando

*Council under the BOD
  • Principal Decision-making Body COO(Chief Operating Officer)
  • Company-wide environmental organization Climate & Energy team
  • Working Group Environment and Safety Team

Environmental Management certification status

Each Worksite
  • Pyeongtaek
  • Wonju
  • Iksan
Certificate in possession
  • ISO 14001
  • Green Certification

Minimization of Environmental Impac

Manage the emission of pollutants that are inevitably generated in the manufacturing process by measuring, analyzing, and reducing.

  • 01. Reduction of Water Consumption

    We develop water conservation plans each year to reduce water consumption. We have controlled the pressure of main public water supply sources as well as major waterconsuming facilities such as restrooms and shower rooms. We have also controlled the steam pressure and temperature of condensate water and regularly cleaned boilers to reduce the overconsumption of water. By monitoring our water consumption levels, we will continue to identify and implement improvement plans to conserve water resources.

  • 02. Water Pollutant Management

    We treat all the pollutants generated within our product manufacturing process. The effluents discharged from our manufacturing process are safely treated through internal water treatment facilities and are managed in accordance with internal guidelines more stringent than legal thresholds. Wastewater treatment plans and facility operational manuals are also developed in consideration of worksite-specific conditions to thoroughly manage the quality of our wastewater.

  • 03. Air Pollutant Management

    We comply with self-measurement regulatory standards in accordance with air control manuals to identify air pollutants generated from our products and our manufacturing process. To reduce our annual nitrogen oxide emissions, we stringently manage air inflow ratio for our boilers and document measurement outcomes in our NOx emissions management log and measurement register. To reduce the concentration of air pollutants emitted, we make semi-monthly measurements on formaldehyde, fluorine, and phenolic compounds and semi-annual measurements on dust, NOx, SOx and THC.

Climate Change

Strive to reduce climate change risks.

Climate Change Risk Management

Manage climate changes in four stages, from risk analysis to monitoring and improvement of risk response. The results are reflected in the business strategy and risk management.

  1. Climate change risk analysis.
  2. Review countermeasures.
  3. Risk management and response.
  4. Monitoring and improvement of risk response performances.

GHG Emissions Management

Analyze the causes of GHG emission, and achieve our goals by subdividing strategies into mid- to long-term plans.

GHG Emissions (Korea)

* Unit : tCO2-eq

  • Scope 2 : Indirect emissions
  • Scope 1 : Direct emissions
  1. 2019년
    • 전체배출: 103,541
    • 간접배출: 95,631
    • 직접배출: 7,911
  2. 2020년
    • 전체배출: 103,541
    • 간접배출: 72,061
    • 직접배출: 6,508
  3. 2021년
    • 전체배출: 103,541
    • 간접배출:
    • 직접배출:

GHG Emissions Target (Korea)

* Unit : tCO2-eq

  1. Base year 2015
  2. 2025: 30% reduction(86,481)
  3. 2040: 50% reduction(61,772)
  4. 2050: Achieve carbon neutrality!

GHG Emissions (Global)

  • Unit : tCO2-eq
Category 2021 2022 2023
Scope1 Total (Scope 1) 15,086 15,206 15,160
Korea 6,448 6,852 6,211
Overseas 8,638 8,354 8,949
Scope2 Total (Scope 2) 221,740 222,692 257,686
Korea 64,290 64,796 64,387
Overseas 157,450 157,896 193,299
Scope3 Total (Scope 3) 7,151,876 7,583,237 7,370,447
Korea 2,040,426 2,008,589 2,240,191
Overseas 5,111,450 5,574,648 5,130,256
Total (Scope 1&2&3) 7,388,702 7,821,135 7,643,293
Basic Unit (Scope1+2)*
(tCO2eq/KRW billion)
Global 38.53 38.68 39.80
Korea 26.97 41.51 37.69
Overseas 47.13 37.57 40.59

* As HL Klemove (ADAS BU) is separated from HL Mando from 2021, HL Klemove sales amount is excluded for calculating 2022 HL Mando's intensity.

Dissemination of Renewable Energy

HL Mando has established a goal of using 100% renewable energy in its global business sites by 2045. HL Mando aims to identify and manage the current status of energy use at all business sites and introduce new and renewable energy sequentially.

Global Renewable Energy Management

Ratio of Renewable Energy Use at Global Worksites

* in 2023

3.6% Out of total 477 GWh
(renewable energy 17GWh)

Energy Usage(Global)

  • Unit : TJ
Energy Usage(Global)
Category 2021 2022 2023
Non-renewable energy Global 2551.5 2561.2 2770.9
Korea 1477.0 1495.0 1475.0
Overseas 1074.5 1066.2 1295.9
renewable energy Global 74.0 86.9 59.6
Korea 0.0 0.0 0.0
Overseas 74.0 86.9 59.6
Total (Non-renewable + renewable energy) 2625.5 2648.1 2830.5
Basic Unit (Non-renewable + renewable energy)*
(TJ / KRW billion)
Korea 0.56 0.87 0.79
Overseas 0.33 0.26 0.27

* As HL Klemove (ADAS BU) is separated from HL Mando from 2021, HL Klemove sales amount is excluded for calculating 2022 HL Mando's intensity.

Resource Circularity

Lead the virtuous circle of resources in consideration of the future.

The Plan of Resources-Circulation Management

Management of resource conversion Increase resource circulation by improving waste treatment methods, and safely manage all chemicals and toxic substances.

Waste Management

  1. Setting of annual management plans
  2. Separation and storage of waste
  3. Transportation and commissioning of waste treatment
  4. Reporting of waste processing results
  5. Management of outsourcing companies
  6. Management of data

Hazardous Chemicals Management

  1. It complies with the Occupational Safety and Health Act and the Chemical Substances Control Act.
  2. Measure the workplace environment and conduct special examinations for workers once a year.
  3. Arrange hazardous chemical substances management guidelines to prevent accidents.
  4. Conduct safety education.
  5. Prepare self-inspection checklist for chemical substances
  6. Update the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) periodically.