Human Rights Management System
Encourage win-win growth with the ultimate respect for each other.
Human Rights Policy
In April 2021, we joined the international sustainability management initiative of the UNGC to endorse its 10 principles in the four areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.
We also ensure that we abide by all labor principles recommended by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and ILO conventions ratified by the Korean government.
In addition to our human rights management declaration, we specified provisions on maternity protection and the prohibition of workplace harassment in Chapter 3 of our rules of employment. Strive to provide fair opportunities while respecting diverse backgrounds and values.
Human Rights Management Principles
- Respecting Human Rights
- Non discrimination
- Prohibition of Forced
& Child Labor - Responsible Supply
Chain Management - Compliance with
Labor Regulations - Protection of Community Rights
- Protection of Environmental Rights
- Protection of Stakeholder Information
- Health and Safety
Human Rights Management System
HL Mando strives to efficiently promote human rights management and protect human rights through activities to prevent and improve human rights risks, such as enacting and revising the human rights management declaration and conducting global human rights impact assessments.
Centered around the group-level Human Rights Management Committee, we created the Sustainability Management Committee,
working-level councils, and stipulated our human rights management guidelines.
To advance human rights management, we also appointed human rights officers and adopted key human rights indicators.
We have also conducted human rights impact assessments and evaluated the effectiveness of our grievance mechanisms across
all our operations.
Establishment of human rights
management guidelines and direction
- Human Rights Management Statement
- Establishment, revision, and disclosure of
- Human rights management working
group Commission implementation
Human Rights Risk Inspection
and Management
- Human rights impact assessment for all
global business sites
(written, on-site evaluation, etc.)
- Operation of an integrated report-receiving
Human Rights Risk Mitigation
and Disciplinary Action
- Establishment and execution of a risk
improvement plan
- In case of Human rights risk, take action
- Education for spreading and internalizing
human rights management
Human Rights
Impact Assessments
- Consumer protection and employee data privacy
- Establishment of a human rights management system
- Prohibition of employment-related discrimination
- Guarantee of freedom of association and collective bargaining
- Guarantee environmental rights
- Prohibition of forced labor
- Protection of human rights for stakeholders
- Responsible supply chain management
- Protection of occupational safety
- Prohibition of child labor
Human Rights Risk Management
In the event that whistleblowers report human rights violations, we establish their factual grounds by the set procedures, and convene the disciplinary committee to decide on and implement disciplinary actions.
Separate processes and standards are being developed to ensure that whistleblowers and victims do not suffer any identity
exposure or HR-related disadvantages in the investigation process.
We operate grievance mechanisms to allow our employees to report their grievances concerning any issues that may develop
into risk factors to human rights management.
Whistleblowers and victims may submit their grievances through a wide array of modes - online, e-mail, phone, or interview - with
full confidentiality, and check on handling results through the Online Report Center.
- Workplace harassment
- Sexual harassment
- Other ethical issues