
HL Mando creates a safe, better world where people come first.

Human Rights Management System

Encourage win-win growth with the ultimate respect for each other.

Human Rights Policy

In April 2021, we joined the international sustainability management initiative of the UNGC to endorse its 10 principles in the four areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.

We also ensure that we abide by all labor principles recommended by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and ILO conventions ratified by the Korean government.

In addition to our human rights management declaration, we specified provisions on maternity protection and the prohibition of workplace harassment in Chapter 3 of our rules of employment. Strive to provide fair opportunities while respecting diverse backgrounds and values.

Human Rights Management Principles

  • Respecting Human Rights
  • Non discrimination
  • Prohibition of Forced
    & Child Labor
  • Responsible Supply
    Chain Management
  • Compliance with
    Labor Regulations
  • Protection of Community Rights
  • Protection of Environmental Rights
  • Protection of Stakeholder Information
  • Health and Safety

Human Rights Management System

HL Mando strives to efficiently promote human rights management and protect human rights through activities to prevent and improve human rights risks, such as enacting and revising the human rights management declaration and conducting global human rights impact assessments.

Centered around the group-level Human Rights Management Committee, we created the Sustainability Management Committee,
working-level councils, and stipulated our human rights management guidelines.
To advance human rights management, we also appointed human rights officers and adopted key human rights indicators.
We have also conducted human rights impact assessments and evaluated the effectiveness of our grievance mechanisms across
all our operations.

  1. Establishment of human rights
    management guidelines and direction

- Human Rights Management Statement
- Establishment, revision, and disclosure of
- Human rights management working
group Commission implementation

  1. Human Rights Risk Inspection
    and Management

- Human rights impact assessment for all
global business sites
(written, on-site evaluation, etc.)
- Operation of an integrated report-receiving

  1. Human Rights Risk Mitigation
    and Disciplinary Action

- Establishment and execution of a risk
improvement plan
- In case of Human rights risk, take action
- Education for spreading and internalizing
human rights management

Human Rights
Impact Assessments

  • Consumer protection and employee data privacy
  • Establishment of a human rights management system
  • Prohibition of employment-related discrimination
  • Guarantee of freedom of association and collective bargaining
  • Guarantee environmental rights
  • Prohibition of forced labor
  • Protection of human rights for stakeholders
  • Responsible supply chain management
  • Protection of occupational safety
  • Prohibition of child labor

Human Rights Risk Management

In the event that whistleblowers report human rights violations, we establish their factual grounds by the set procedures, and convene the disciplinary committee to decide on and implement disciplinary actions.
Separate processes and standards are being developed to ensure that whistleblowers and victims do not suffer any identity
exposure or HR-related disadvantages in the investigation process.

We operate grievance mechanisms to allow our employees to report their grievances concerning any issues that may develop
into risk factors to human rights management.
Whistleblowers and victims may submit their grievances through a wide array of modes - online, e-mail, phone, or interview - with
full confidentiality, and check on handling results through the Online Report Center.

  • Workplace harassment
  • Sexual harassment
  • Other ethical issues

Safety and Health Management System

Manage safety and health through systematic plans and programs.

Safety Management Policy

Based on the management philosophy of respecting human dignity,
HL Mando prioritizes safety, health, and the environment in its corporate management activities.
We continuously promote various activities to create a safe and
pleasant workplace and fulfill our social responsibility to preserve the global environment.

Safety and Health Management System

Under the vision of creating a 'Higher Safety, Higher Life Mando.’ HL Mando operates a global safety and health management system.

HL Mando has adopted the comprehensive disaster index as a key performance indicator (KPI) to manage the frequency and severity of disasters at all global business sites.

We practice systematic management and safety and health management with international ISO 45001 certification.

  • Vision

    Higher Safety, Higher Life Mando

  • Goal

    Korea worksites,
    Comprehensive Disaster Index 0.3 target in 2026
    (0.31 in 2022)
    Other Worksites,
    Annual reduction target of 3% compared to the previous year

Philosophy & Core Values

  • Principle

    Work Principle

    We decide and act according
    to laws and principles.

  • Dynamics

    Work Smart

    We move dynamically
    based on expertise.

  • Consistency

    Work Together

    We pursue trust and cooperation
    through consideration and

Safety and Health Risk Management

We perform regular assessments in line with worksite specific safety and health risk assessment guidelines to meet global standards in advancing safety and health management.

Tasks are rated based on their level of risk, and improvement measures are developed for high-risk tasks.

Risk Assessment Procedures and Standards

  1. Analyze work processes and collect data
  2. Identify hazards and risk factors
  3. Determine risk levels
  4. Develop and implement risk mitigation plans
  5. Provide training on risk assessment results

Safety and Heath Accident Handling Process

If our employees find themselves in a high-risk work environment, we suspend the work and order evacuation while taking protective measures pursuant to the Article 90 of the collective agreement signed with the labor union.

We operate the ISO 45001 incident investigation and reporting guidelines to allow for prompt reporting, accurate investigation & reporting, and improvement when an incident occurs.

Once an incident occurs, we report it to the management and respond promptly and we develop response measures to address its consequences so that similar incidents do not occur.

Emergency Response

  1. Occurrence / reporting
  2. Initial action
  3. Handling / resolution
  4. Prevention of spreading


Create a better future with our employees.

Employee Training

The HL Human Resource Institute is committed to talent development at HL Group under the goal of becoming an ‘ACTIVE Learning Experience Coordinator for Growth’.

To help employees understand the HL Spirit and grow into exceptional professionals aiming for
the First Class for sustainable growth, the Institute supports a variety of training and learning activities
including core talent training and job training.

Talent Development Policy

  • HL Spirit
    Provide employees with a sense of accomplishment,
    pride and energy based on HL Spirit.
  • Organizational Growth
    Foster core competencies in line with our
    future strategies to achieve sustainable growth.
  • Individual Growth
    Nurture professionals with outstanding
    capabilities and aim for First Class.

Talent Development Strategy


Active Learning Experience Coordinator for Growth

  • Foster Key Talent

    Foster key talent and continuously support employee education efforts to prepare for
    the future and systematically support organizations playing a key role in business strategy

    • #Key Talent
    • #Future
    • #Leadership
  • Enhance Job Expertise

    ‘Develop systemic job competencies
    to work properly and nurture job experts as
    the key to business execution

    • #Professionalism
    • #Properness
    • #Competency

Effectively contribute to business performance through selection and concentration

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  • Nurturing Future Leaders

    Young talented individuals who have the potential to generate organizational performance. Future Leaders are those who will generate organizational performance and lead industry-specific businesses. Once chosen, internal job experts provide these leaders with career coaching and best-in-class job training by considering their individual careers, conditions, and organizational characteristics.

  • Reinforcement of Core SW Competency

    We provided a ‘software introductory course’ to new hires performing software work to establish our competitiveness in automotive technology.
    We also operated ‘software core technology courses’ to respond to the A-SPICE certification required by global customers and to boost our architecture design capabilities for software integration and optimization.
    The software architecture design courses (Basic/design) operated to enlarge the pool of software experts was attended.

  • Life Design Courses for Future Retirees

    Our life design course program aims to help employees nearing their etirement to examine and design their post-retirement life to relieve their anxiety over the road untraveled.
    This program enables participants to understand the significance of life design and the importance of life area-specific management in line with the shifting macro trends across economy, society, culture and politics and to develop knowledge on health, leisure, self-identity, relationships, asset management, middle-age career design and governmental support policies that are readily available once they retire.

Organizational Culture

A Work Culture of Autonomy and Responsibility

We provide various work arrangements to establish a 40-hour workweek system.
We also operate flexible work arrangements that allow employees to manage their individual work schedules
on a monthly basis according to their workload.

Diverse Flexible Work Arrangements

  • Start work after a minimum of 12 hour break when having
    left office after 21:00 the previous day
  • Compensate excess hours worked by leaving office early or taking holiday
  • Freely choose one’s place of work depending on one’s work schedule
  • Take summer vacation at the dates of one’s own
    choosing between April and September

Daycare Centers and Parenting Support

We provide maternity and parental leave to our employees.
We endeavor to aid all our employees irrespective of their gender in maintaining a stable work-life balance.
We operate in-house daycare centers and provide a safe childcare environment and specialized learning
programs to help employees fully engage in their work knowing that their children are well taken care of.

In-house Daycare Center Programs

We provide play-driven programs according to age groups and developmental levels to encourage infants to choose, lead and engage on their own with the help of external professional organizations.

We provide a range of experience and playful learning opportunity to improve 3C (Critical thinking, Creativity, and Collaboration) skills that are required as key for future generations

Welfare Programs

Our welfare programs are driven by our management philosophy of respect for people, and aim to assist our
employees in leading a flourishing, rewarding, fulfilling and stable life and to ultimately help them improve productivity.
These programs span the categories of facility support, life support, and health & cultural life support.

  • Facility Support

    Operate diverse facilities for the benefit of our employees.

    • Employee housing
    • Sports facilities
    • Other welfare facilities
      (In-house cafeterias, medical rooms, changing rooms,
      shower rooms, etc.)
  • Life Support

    Consider an environment where employees can work sustainably.

    • Meals
    • Employee stock ownership
    • Vehicle support
      (Commutes, hometown visits)
    • Retirement memento
    • Provision of clothing and PPE
    • Medical expenses
    • National pension/health insurance benefits
    • Financial and other support
      for family events
    • National pension/health insurance benefits
    • Scholarships
    • Personal pension and
      other conveniences
    • Housing loan support
  • Health & Cultural Life support

    Consider the health of our employees first.

    • Health check-ups
    • Hobby clubs
    • Summer guest houses
    • Company-wide events
      (Drawing contests, sports events, etc.)
    • Occupational injury compensation
    • Subsidies for general injuries and others